“Superb knowledge, phenomenal work rate and incredibly talented.”

Audio production and recording has been a passion of mine for most of my life. From a young age I’d listen to my favourite bands and wonder “how did they make that record and how did they make it sound so good?“. Now armed with my own studio, a heap of knowledge and many years of experience it’s what I do.


Audio Production & Mixing

I love working with bands to produce great records and I can help from start to finish. Working out of The Old Blacksmiths Studios (my very own studio) I have the knowledge and understanding to help bring your songs to life and make them the best they can be.

With a great ear for sonics and a selection of amazing software at my disposal this is where I’ll bring your tracks to life. From track preparation, drum triggering, sonic treatment, instrument balancing to detailed automation no stone will be left unturned to make your song sound as good as it can be.

Legend! What you’ve done is unbelievable and we’re so pleased with the tracks.
— Ross, Kings & Castles


This is one of my favourite tasks. We can all benefit from a little tidy up in the first stages of post production. I meticulously go through every drum hit, guitar strum and lyric sung to make sure only the best takes make the final cut.

Our song is tight as f***!
— Evan, Act Of A Tyrant


What the hell is mastering? Don’t worry, it’ a common question. Many people think it’s a magic wand that will help save a bad song or a bad mix. Wrong! Mastering is the polish applied at the end of the process and is considered one of the ‘dark arts’ of music production. Get it right and there’s smiles all round. Get it wrong and it’s easy to ruin a great mix.

Mastering has several important functions when making a record. It sorts out the precise song starts and ends, gaps between songs, balances the volumes of the songs, applies general processing to the record as a whole such as EQ, compression and uses limiting to boost the volume for commercial release. Once this is done it’s the job of the mastering engineer to supply the record ready for duplication. This can be in the form of a master CD or DDP files.

Having mastered many, many records over the years I have the skills and experience to take your record over the finish line ready to be released into the wild.

The master sounds great! Tight, punchy and loud whilst keeping the integrity of the song.
— Russell, Martha's Man

So what now?

If you’re in need of all or any of the following services get in touch!

  • Audio production

  • Audio engineering

  • Editing

  • Mixing

  • Mastering

As a producer he was able to interpret our ideas, help us develop the tracks & used his experience to create our unique sound. I would definitely recommend.
— Dave, Beatamax